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2023 Saint Pats WEB-293.jpg
Religion in the classroom

God is present throughout our entire school building. Each day begins with a school-wide prayer, as well as designated times of prayer during the school day. 

A faith cased education starts in preschool, as students study Saints and the Rosary. Learning the letters of the alphabet, along with one Saint combines fundamentals in education and religion. By the end of the school year, they have a Saint for every letter of the alphabet!

As students continue at Saint Patrick School, they also continue with religion classes, using the "Christ Our Life" curriculum. The goal of religion focused classes is to give children an understanding of the Catholic Christian faith and help foster a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.


Students attend Mass once a week, beginning in kindergarten. Each kindergarten student is paired with a third grade "Church Buddy". These older students help teach proper Mass etiquette, along with reinforcing their own appreciation and behavior during Mass.

During their time at Saint Patrick School, all students are given the the opportunity to take an active role in Mass as lectors, servers, gift bearers and more.

Church Buddies

Second grade is a year for preparation for First Holy Eucharist. Children are prepared for First Reconciliation in the Fall and First Holy Eucharist in the Spring with the Blessed curriculum. In addition to their in class catechesis, students are expected to participate in an instructional Mass and a retreat to help them prepare for their First Communion. This is the first year that they do not have an older Church Buddy to attend Mass with them.

3rd and 4th graders have the special job of being Church Buddies to K/1st grade students.  As Church Buddies, they form a relationship with the younger child and act as a role model during Mass.  Church buddies also do activities throughout the year in the classroom, such as making rosaries together.


5th graders are very excited, because they are able to undergo Altar Server training.  This allows them to serve school, Sunday, and Holy Day Mass.

In middle school, students participate and take part in Mass planning, lead the school in morning and afternoon prayer, and have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Throughout the year, middle schoolers also participate in a school-wide Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and other prayer services along with services projects.

The culmination of middle school is performing "The Living Way of the Cross" for the school and church community.


Eighth grade is prepared for Confirmation with the Chosen curriculum. In addition to classes, eighth graders preparing for confirmation are expected to complete service hours, choose a sponsor, and go on a retreat with their classmates.

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