School Branding & Logo
The Saint Patrick School of the Terre Haute Deanery brand seeks to accurately reflect the spirit and attributes of our school. It is based on the experience of current families, students, and staff, and rooted in our long tradition as an area leader in Catholic, faith-based education. True to the spirit and personality of our community, the school branding, logo, and website were a collaborative effort among deanery families and staff.
Mission, Brand Promise & Pillars
Saint Patrick School of the Terre Haute Deanery, in communion with our families and parishes, serves God, the child, and the world around us. We provide a Catholic Christian atmosphere where education and faith blend to build saints and scholars.
Education that focuses on the whole child.
Faith, Education, and Community
Logo & Symbolism
The main Saint Patrick School logo reflects how our school uniquely bridges the past to the future. We are both deeply rooted in Catholic traditions and teachings, while simultaneously focused on the brand pillars that enable us to provide a faith-based, life-changing education to students.

The main element of the school’s logo is Saint Patrick’s breastplate.

Saint Patrick was the patron saint of Ireland and is credited with bringing Christianity to the Irish people in the 5th century. According to tradition, Saint Patrick wore his breastplate, a piece of armor worn in battle, for divine protection before successfully converting the king of Ireland from paganism to Christianity. Today, the breastplate reminds us of the importance of protecting and preserving a pure heart.
Within the breastplate is contained three symbols - a cross, an open book, and a shamrock.

The cross is a Celtic (Irish) cross that represents faith. As the only Catholic school in the Terre Haute Deanery, Saint Patrick School serves a special role in carrying on the tradition of religious education. The book represents academic excellence and the important work of creating life-long learners. The shamrock represents a robust and supportive community - of students, teachers, and families - all working together toward a common goal. These symbols provide a visual representation of our school’s brand pillars, or differentiators, which are faith, education, and community. Together, these pillars make Saint Patrick School unique to the Wabash Valley - and the ideal environment for developing our students into moral and socially-conscious young adults.
The symbols within the breastplate are separated by lines to remind us that we must provide separate attention and work to each so that it continues to remain strong and supports our unique learning environment for years to come.
Although we cannot be certain of the exact shape of Saint Patrick's breastplate, it is represented with a straight line on top and straight lines between each pillar as a nod to Proverbs 3: 5-6:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Saint Patrick's breastplate represents the importance of maintaining a pure heart.

celtic cross
The Celtic (Irish) Cross represents our faith-based atmosphere where we learn our faith and model it daily.

open book
The Open Book represents education, specifically academic excellence and the creation of life-long learners.

The Shamrock represents our tight-knit "Irish" community of students, teachers, and families - all working together toward a common goal.

Our sincere appreciation goes to Craig Mitchell Design for creative guidance and logo development for the Saint Patrick School of the Terre Haute Deanery brand.
Note: School staff, parents, and others who would like to use the brand elements on t-shirts, flyers, etc. should contact the school office for the SPS Brand Toolbox that contains high resolution images and further guidance.