Originally founded by the Sisters of Providence in 1882, Saint Patrick School has been grounded in faith since its inception and remains committed to developing students with a strong academic and spiritual foundation.
Students begin and end each day with prayer and attend Mass each week as a school family. Students take an active role in Mass; serving as lectors, servers, cantors, and members of the choir. Students in third through eighth grades are given the opportunity to participate in Reconciliation quarterly.
God understands our prayers, even when we can't find the words to say them.
St. Patrick Student

Saints and Scholars
As a Catholic school Saint Patrick School aids students in developing as Christian leaders centered in faith, service, and social responsibility. Throughout the school year, students participate in service projects in conjunction with the Saint Patrick Parish.
One of the most special activities - a crowd favorite for students, staff and families - is the lessons and celebration around All Saints Day. Students are invited to research and then dress as a saint, while participating in the All Saints Parade into Saint Patrick Church ahead of the day’s Mass. The Mass is always highly attended - and great preparation for students to learn about Saints prior to Confirmation.

Respect for All Faiths
While religion curriculum, including sacramental preparation is offered and encouraged, Saint Patrick School welcomes students of all faiths, ethnicities, backgrounds and socioeconomic status. 30% of our students identify as practicing a faith other than Catholicism. Saint Patrick School respects and honors the beliefs and traditions of our entire Irish family.