Saint Patrick School offers students a number of enrichment classes, including PE, Art, STEM, and Technology.
Our middle school students continue their appreciation for the arts by participating in band three times a week.

2021 Spring Band Concert
All Saint Patrick School students participate in band beginning in sixth grade.
While the majority of students provide their own instrument, a limited number of used instruments are donated to the school for student use.
Band classes meet three days a week with the majority of the class grade based on participation.

Students have the chance to show off what they've learned during performances at the school's Christmas and Spring concerts. Solo and ensemble performances are also available to students.
Those who wish to expand their musical talents have the opportunity to participate in Honor Band. The group meets before school to practice and learn more advanced music.
Saint Patrick School’s band was selected to perform by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis at the 2019 Catholic School Values Dinner held at Union Station in Indianapolis, Indiana.
2021 Spring Art Show
Art at Saint Patrick School is very hands on, with a focus on different techniques, mediums and terminology. The Elements of Art and Principles of Art is taught within lessons.

Learning is more than reading out of a book, but encouraging students to learn, create and have fun - while learning.
Art curriculum includes teacher-led projects, along with self expression.
Middle School art focuses on 3D projects, artist biographies and advanced techniques.
In a world where technology continues to become a part of our daily lives, we introduce technology beginning in kindergarten. Saint Patrick School is lucky to have a dedicated technology class, taught by longtime educator, Sarah Wallace. Mrs. Wallace has been recognized by IndianaComputes for her professional development in K-12 computer science education. In 2022, St. Patrick's was recognized as a "Common Sense School" by Common Sense Education.
Technology class begins for K-2 students with an overall knowledge of a computer, using a mouse and keyboard. Students also become comfortable using different programs that explore creativity, coding and communicating.

Grades 3-5 work to further develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills through coding. Communicating through email, word processing and publishing is also a priority. Students also learn research skills through search engines and the importance of staying safe online.
In Middle School, students have a variety of individual and group projects that encourage students to apply important computer science skills. They work on design programs, decision making through digital citizenship and sharpen search skills, keyboarding efficiency and computer science vocabulary.

St. Patrick Student